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RSAA/SOAS Schools’ Day 2024

RSAA/SOAS Schools’ Day 2024

6 November 2024 10.00-16.00 GMT
At the Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, London

We are excited to once again be holding the annual RSAA/SOAS Schools’ Day.

The aim of the RSAA Schools’ Day, which has been running successfully for nearly twenty years, is to introduce students to subjects and concepts that they may not have previously explored and which will, we hope, inspire them. The conference is open to students in years twelve and thirteen. Those interested in pursuing geography, law, religion, international affairs, social science or Asian language pathways may find it particularly interesting.

The day runs for about six hours and includes presentations by specialists in their fields, the chance to try out one of a range of Asian languages and lots of opportunities to ask questions. This year the programme will include presentations on the media in China, music in Central Asia, the situation in the Middle East and introductions to Arabic, Mandarin and Vietnamese.

The day is entirely free and includes lunch. Schools that would like to know more can email for further details and can access the provisional programme here. Schools may register using the form and contact details attached to the provisional programme. Registrations will be accepted on a “first-come first-served” basis.


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