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Just Hugh – Hugh Raymond Leach Remembered

Just Hugh – Hugh Raymond Leach Remembered

Hugh Leach in the Hindu Kush, 1997, with the Royal Russell School CCF Expendition
Book launch at the East India Club, 4 October 2022, 18.00

A tribute to the life and adventures of Hugh Leach and the launch of the book devoted to his memory: Just Hugh – Hugh Raymond Leach Remembered, edited by Sue Farrington and Norman Cameron and published by Arabian Publishing.

Just Hugh is a portrait of Hugh Leach, an end-of-era soldier, diplomat, traveller and, above all, charismatic enthusiast. The title reflects his passion for Just William books, one of his many and varied interests. The book combines anecdotes and recollections together with Hugh’s own reminiscences in his later years. Tales from twenty-five years of service between the Nile and the Euphrates and travels throughout Central Asia are interwoven with biographical details to create a ‘memory book’ of this unique, much missed, man of many parts.

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