Asian Affairs is the RSAA’s quarterly journal. It addresses social, political, and historical subjects at the interface between scholarship, learned interest, journalism and personal experience. It is held by most major libraries globally. It is free in print and online to members of the RSAA, who also have free access to the entire back catalogue.
Asian Affairs
About the Journal
Asian Affairs has been published continuously since 1914 (originally as the Journal of the Central Asian Society, and from 1931 to 1969 as the Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society). In addition to its extensively cited commentary and original research articles, it carries an extensive and widely read book review section.
The Editor of Asian Affairs is supported by and accountable to an Editorial Board composed of subject-matter and publishing experts. The current Editor also sits in a personal capacity on the main board of the Society.
Individual articles and entire issues can be purchased and downloaded from our publisher, Taylor & Francis.
Dr Bill Hayton
Editorial Board
Gerald Dorey, Chairman
Professor Kerry Brown
Dr William Crawley
Dr Hildegard Diemberger
Sophie Ibbotson
Professor Neeti Nair
Dr Frances Pinter
Professor Nalanda Roy
Barney Smith CMG
Dr David Taylor
Sir Harold Walker KCMG